You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
- NAR-*ICP: Neural Execution of Classical ICP-based Pointcloud Registration Algorithms
Efimia Panagiotaki, Daniele De Martini, Lars Kunze, and Petar Veličković.
[paper] - CERES: Critical-Event Reconstruction via Temporal Scene Graph Completion
Efimia Panagiotaki, Georgi Pramatarov, Lars Kunze, and Daniele De Martini.
[paper] - RobotCycle: Assessing Cycling Safety in Urban Environments
Efimia Panagiotaki, Tyler Reinmund, Stephan Mouton, Luke Pitt, Arundathi Shaji Shanthini, Wayne Tubby, Matthew Towlson, Samuel Sze, Brian Liu, Chris Prahacs, Daniele De Martini, and Lars Kunze.
[paper] [project page] - OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
Matthew Gadd, Daniele De Martini, Oliver Bartlett, Paul Murcutt, Matt Towlson, Matthew Widojo, Valentina Muşat, Luke Robinson, Efimia Panagiotaki, Georgi Pramatarov, Marc Alexander Kühn, Letizia Marchegiani, Paul Newman, and Lars Kunze.
[paper] [project page] - CC-SGG: Corner Case Scenario Generation using Learned Scene Graphs
George Drayson*, Efimia Panagiotaki*1, Daniel Omeiza, and Lars Kunze. *Authors alphabetically listed. 1Project Lead. Accepted to IEEE ICRA 2024.
[paper] - SEM-GAT: Explainable Semantic Pose Estimation using Learned Graph Attention
Efimia Panagiotaki, Daniele De Martini, Georgi Pramatarov, Matthew Gadd, Lars Kunze. IEEE ICAR 2023.
[paper] [code] - Semantic Interpretation and Validation of Graph Attention-based Explanations for GNN Models
Efimia Panagiotaki, Daniele De Martini, Lars Kunze. IEEE ICAR 2023.
[paper] [code] - Towards Semantic Interpretation and Validation of Graph Attention-based Explanations
Efimia Panagiotaki, Daniele De Martini, Lars Kunze. IEEE ICRA XRo Workshop2023.
[paper] - An Efficient Track Detection and Mapping System for Autonomous Driving Race Car
Efimia Panagiotaki. ETH Zurich, National Technical University of Athens